Iemmi Hunting is a company specialized in small game hunting and outdoor activities located in Argentina. This South American country is world-famous by its vegetation and wildlife; and thanks to its great abundance of bird species (including duck, partridge, and native dove), it receives a great number of enthusiastic sportsmen every year from all around the world. On average, hunters can usually shoot over 1000 shells a day. Besides, hunters are constantly supervised and assisted by our experienced hunting outfitters.
The main objective of Iemmi Hunting is to provide hunters with our professionalism and experience in order to deliver an unforgettable experience.
The duck hunting is carried out along the delta of the Parana River, in the province of Corrientes. The place is visited by bird lovers from all around the world because the lagoons in the area concentrate an immense amount of birds. Some of the species found in the area are the crested duck, whistling duck, cinnamon teal, blue-wing teal, yellow-billed teal, yellow-billed pintail, white-cheeked pintail, ringed teal, red shoveler, black-headed duck, to name a few. It is standard to shoot between 5 and 8 different species during the hunt. The open season extends from April to August.
Here are some tips for novices:
- Hunters need to have good camouflage.
- Remember that ducks always attempt to land against the wind; this is the best moment to perform the shot.
- Decoys are efficient tools to attract ducks. A whistling duck decoy is made with a pair of bottoms of cartridge. Plastics and percussion caps are retired and pasted one into the other. When someone whistles through the hole, a sound similar to the duck's is produced.
- If the sown fields are flooded and with no enough vegetation where you can hide from ducks, you will need to improvise some kind of station with branches or a piece of camouflaged clothing.
- Ducks fly at high speed (some species reach 40km/h or more) so the hunter needs to anticipate the shot taking into consideration the distance and height that the duck is hovering.
- For the shooting, we prefer supplying shells #6 and/or #7, although some people are inclined to use a bigger size of shot. Also, keep in mind an assistant will be ready to help you in case you need some help or guidance.
Soy Raul Iemmi el dueño de la empresa iemmi hunting te invito a realizar la mejor experiencia de tu vida.
Mi principal objetivo es brindarle al cazador nuestra responsabilidad, profesionalismo y experiencia en la organización de cada salida de caza, para que su cacería en Argentina sea eficaz e inolvidable.
IEMMIHUNTING está reconocida como una de las mejores empresas de caceria de tortolas. El secreto de nuestro éxito es nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con el cazador, para ofrecerle servicios de gran calidad.
Nuestras Estancias “El Fortin” y la Macarena" se encuentran a 90 km (1 hr. en vehiculo) del aeropuerto de Córdoba. Las estancias constan con habitaciones con baño privado, calefacción, aire acondicionado, servicio de internet, WI-FI, el servicio es completo y personalizado. El alojamiento está ubicado estratégicamente entre los dormideros más grandes del este de Córdoba, uno en Rio Primero y los otros en Santa Rosa de Rio Primero,Villa del Rosario y La Puerta. Nuestra experiencia de más de 15 años ofreciendo cacerías, un 100% de miles de clientes satisfechos de todo el mundo, cuidada logística, y ambiente seguro y cordial hacen de IEMMI HUNTING la mejor elección para tener la más inolvidable cacería de tórtola en la Argentina.